




sorry for being vague. but eventually, everything falls into place. and right now, it all makes sense.

on a completely different note,

the world will tell you what you
are until you tell the world


I'm quite amazed --

I just spent 48 hours with someone I just met, and already our friendship is stronger and more full of trust than that of someone else I'd known ages.

Was that friendship really that weak?

Or is this person really that great?

Relationshit break-ups suck, but friendship fall-outs are harder.

I sense a falling out ...

"We don't need to talk. Maybe we should just not be friends"

hahahahahahahahaha CIAO BABBYYYYY


"Losing an illusion makes you 
wiser than finding a truth." 
~Ludwig Börne


Have you ever walked through a room
but it was more like the room passed
around you, like there was a noose
around your neck that pulled you
through ...

Have you ever been at some place
recognizing everybody's face
until you realized that there was
no one there you knew ...

Seems like people can know you forever
and not know anything about you. Seems
like you can make a hundred transient
friends who understand you, only 'cause
you'll be in each other's lives for 10 minutes
and not a moment more.

Have you ever buried your face
in your hands, 'cause no one
around you understands or has
the slightest idea what it is that
makes you be?


"The obscure we see eventually.
The completely obvious, it seems,
takes longer."
~Edward R. Murrow
How to know where to go when it doesn't matter where you get to?


Summer is one big happy trip as far as I'm concerned. Trip to work, trip home, trip out camping, trip out grocery shopping ... Every time I feel sunshine I'm tripping.
Imagine if I lived somewhere that was actually sunny


"Change is hard, because people
over-estimate the value of what
they have and under-estimate
the value of what they may gain
by giving that up."

By this fear, we are chained to a stagnant
version of who we could be.

"We are who we could be but we are
not always who we might be."


The other day, someone asked me a question ... Answering quickly, I developed an analogy. I'm not sure how valid it will sound, but here it is ...

I likened sex without love to wandering in a desert. You are so hungry you eat just about anything to stay alive, to make it just another day ... Everything is insatiating, nothing is good enough, nothing fills you up. But you must put something in your stomach to stay alive. To stay alive long enough to get to an oasis ..