

Believe in and commit to feeling great
You are what you think. Essentially, feeling great is as simple as believing you are healthy and committing yourself to actions that promote well being. Your attitude directs the outcome of your life, so think and behave with purpose and conviction. Dare to believe and you will achieve!

Admire Yourself
Take time in your day to enjoy being you. Let go of negative thoughts and harmful stress. Consider the things you wish to achieve and what actions you must take to ensure your success. Fill your mind with positive talk. Encourage yourself to succeed. Set achievable goals and take positive action. This is your time to visualize, nurture and promote the person you wish to admire both presently and in the future.

Live to Eat and Eat to Live
The body is an amazing machine with the power to rejuvenate and heal naturally: you simply need to give it the fuel it needs to run efficiently. Eat sensibly. Avoid foods that are low in nutrition and high in fat, preservatives and harmful chemicals. You are what you eat, thus nourish yourself with whole nutrient-rich foods. 80% of your diet should include green, alkaline and unprocessed food that together balance your nutrient and coloric intake with your body's daily energy requirements. Eat to live, not to DIEt. Rapid weight loss can result in changes in temperaments and any number of health complications.

Aspire to Perspire
Take care of your body by practicing the art of play. Your heart and lungs require a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes of active play everyday. Choose activities that elevate your heart rate and cause you to sweat and set youself in motion. Remember this is your play time; make it fun and you are more likely to stick with it!

Naps are Natural
Nurture your mind by giving it the rest it needs to keep your body vital and healthy. An alert and positively focussed mind is apable of directing the body to naturally rejuvenate itself during periods of rest; thus to maintain our vitality we must rest both the mind and body with sufficient frequency and duration to allow this process to happen.

Calcium is Not Enough!
Strong bones are hard to break! Respect your body by performing daily weight baring activity that is sufficient to encourage the development and maintenance of healthy bone density and muscle mass. Aim to walk a minimum of 10 000 steps per day and undertake at least three strength and agility based activities per week.

Effort is Everything
A body in motion will stay in motion providing you make sufficient effort to balance your intentions with your actions. Believe in yourself; think to be, act to become, and allow knowledge to guide your efforts. Open yourself to answers, and you might be surprised where the inspiration comes from!

Ann Marie McCaffery, In Motion Fitness, Health Matters, Financial Divas Magazine

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