
Well readers!!

Adventures adventures!

Had a lovely trek out to Hong Kong on Thursday; flew into Beijing (slept most of the flight & managed to avoid the majority of an awkward conversation between a very polite friendly older Chinese man also on his way to Hong Kong. His broken English made me an awkward conversationalist as he seemed to understand anything & everything I said but I troubled to answer his questions).
Beijing was a little awkward, I've only been t the airport once before and it had to be about a decade or more ago, so that wasn't much help. Didn't have my arrivals/departures form filled out because I had been told a few times I didn't need it, so of course I did. All in all everything was sorted out in the end so it didn't matter -- even the fact that I didnt' know where I was meeting my brother was fine, as some young all-American boys helped me out upon landing in Hong Kong. They had plans to stay in Taiwan for a year; 20 minutes in their midst made me feel like I was a minor character happening upon the beginning of their Hollywood story .. For real. They just seem the type of boys who are going to get up to something story-worthy ... Maybe I'll find out what happens to them after a year goes by and write about it ;)

Thursday morphed to Friday after a mixture of sleep/up/sleep/up and I found my brother and maneuvered to his home. One short nap later, and I witnessed a handful of intense roller hockey games at the 10th annual Inline Skate Hong Kong tournament, which was wonderful to watch and photograph - have to say, Brazil was feisty! After that was some much needed clubbing & got that out of my system quickly as a mellow night turned into a short evening of free-poured multi-coloured drinks, no ID-ing anywhere in sight, dodging people who's tables/bottles/glasses we broke, avoiding brawls in short, and at the end of the evening, avoiding bouncers at the most pretentious club this side of the South China Sea.
Saturday was a relaxed day, a little shopping here and there, and a bar-b-que with some family friends. Peppy Indian voices kept me enthusiastic and alert to conversation for most of the evening but I couldn't keep from crashing by the time we made it home. What could have been a crazy Saturday night turned into much needed rest for me; well-used I'd say for the amount of walking we did on Sunday. Explored Lan Kwai Fong by daylight & Soho which is now my favourite area (will probably be going back to explore some more today) and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening out in Stanley looking around and taking photos. Popped by one of my favourite pubs (in the world) called Smugglers; it's simple, I just love the decor, atmosphere, and juke box machine. There are currencies from all over the world pasted on the walls by people who have visited with messages Sharpie'd on them and the delicious North American style pub food is nice after smelling bean curd in town all day. Not to mention all the expats who flock there, you'd be hard-pressed to figure out where you were if you tried to guess by the people and surroundings inside the pub.
Though it's Sunday back home (hence the post) it's Monday out here, and my brother is now at work ... Time for me to hit google-map & make sure I don't get lost for the day! I'm off to explore!

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