There are two things that human beings will wonder about forever:
Love and the platypus.
Once we figure out love, then we can all be obsessed with the platypus.
The difference is that the platypus hasn't produced as much beauty and pain.
It has a lot of catching up to do.
I have this theory ...
And it makes sense to write it down somewhere so I don't forget it.
First of all, the institution of marriage has been around a long time, so long, that we can safely assume that its existance predates reliably recorded history. With this fact, I assume humans were living to the ripe old age of 30 by the time they kicked the bucket.
Nowadays? Most people are thinking about getting MARRIED by the time they are 30. Oh how far we've come! What I decline is the existance of the institution. What's the point? Approval? Authentication of love? Security? Of course, lots of these reasons fit. I personally think marriage would be lovely before having children .. And I do believe I want children one day. My point however, is that love can be experienced regardless of marriage, and marriage isn't needed to confirm love.
Moving on.
People change. Yes? Everyone agrees? Do we change in between the ages of 20 and 30? 20 and 40? 30 and 60? PERHAAAAPS ... you may say. Damn straight!
Of course we do!
I change ... You change ... Let's get straight to the point.
Is it really feasible to find someone to spend the rest of your life with, who will change with every moment that you change? Maybe ... Sure .
I digress to my point of this post.
I believe there are about 4 types of relationships.
We have :
1. The First Love
The first love is part of completion of growth; experiencing love for the first time, experiencing heart-ache for the first time, it is all about experiencing new things and new emotions, and dealing with hormones in the wake of adolescence. Hopefully you aren't denied your first love experience before you make it into your twenties, let alone thirties ... There's a lot more to experience after First Love.
* Note -- I suppose for those who are lucky enough to marry their first loves and never experience that heart-ache 'til death-do-us-part, perhaps they have succeeded. Maybe this was the goal. Maybe they have found someone who changes with them in every flux and flow of the river of life ... I will not completely understand this, for this is not how my analysis leads, and this is not the path of growth and understanding and balance of an individual. This is a shared life that is never quite your own again.
2. The Romance / The Lover(s)
This relationship is very carpe diem and more about experiencing the world to the fullest. Concerns of marriage and family are left aside to be thought on later as this couple tests the limits within themselves and takes many adventures together. This may stage in multiple relationships or multiple partners. This relationship is much more lustful than loving and has much basis on humans natural desire for comfort, company and satisfaction.
* Note -- type 1 can turn into type 2 and vice versa. Loves may become Lovers and Lovers may become Loves. When type 1 turns into type 2 though, love is lost and lust takes its place, however a bridge of trust has been broken and the relationship may never backtrack to the way it once was.
3. The Marriage / Family
This one is more obvious. One has found the partner they feel comfortable and satisfied with to bring up a family. Most of the time, it is a Love of some sort authentified by the institution of marriage; usually is followed with the passing on of genes to offspring and solidarity and security is provided with careers of some sort.
4. Retirement
Whether things do or don't work out, the couple that exists after a family has grown up is faced with change once more. They function in a different dynamic than the previous 3 couples; by this point, retirement is approached and these lives are lived more harmoniously and together -- the sex life begins to reach retirement and communication and compatibility becomes more and more important as these couples must bond in sometimes different ways than they may have previously.
** FINAL NOTE -- Type 3 and 4 are quite short, concise and contain no side-notes because I have not reached these milestones and these are my briefly analyzed summaries based on other peoples' experiences and serve to reflect what I expect.